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Overall https://needa36609.blogspot.com/2022/04/listed-below-left-bag-is-fake-as-well.html , there is not much known about the Bahama Nuthatch and the little we know isworrisome: just fifteen years ago this species, while hardly thriving, was far from the precarious position it finds itself in today. In 2004, a few hundred individuals were recorded on Grand Bahama. By 2007 though, only 23 individuals were spotted; the suspected drivers of this steep demise were invasive species and habitat loss. The species only lives in forests of Caribbean Pine. Since the 1950s these have been cleared rapidly on Grand Bahama in order to create space for roads, housing developments and tourist resorts. Without widespread pine forests, the nuthatch has limited places to nest, and will not be able to find food. Invasive predators like snakes, cats and raccoons also likely contribute to the threats facing the bird. When Hurricane Matthew swept through the island in 2016, it was feared that the storm...